The comments are one of the things that make blogs, but it's worth, at the age of feed readers, how do you convince people in the course of clicking and leave?
That is what we are going to discuss and, no, I will not tell you to stop all shipments with a question.
If you follow these five steps, within two weeks you will be well on its way to developing a community around your blog.
Show Some Link Love - This is one of my personal weaknesses. Take the time to recognize other bloggers. Make a special folder in your bookmarks for the posts to read and find interesting then, once a week, put together a post with the best articles to read this week.
Offering a bit of praise and linking to a post almost always bring a positive response from the author and put you on their radar.
Comments on other blogs - I know you've heard this before, but what really matters. Why wait for someone to go to the effort rewarded with a comment if you usually take the time to do it for them?
The most important things to remember about comments are, make your comments relevant, be educated and do not include a link inside the body comment. (Be sure to fill your email address and URL into the box author.)
Giving something Away - It may seem simple, such as bribery and is, but it works. many blogs have had great luck giving away prizes in contests where the only way to go was to leave a comment.
This blog has been so successful with "Submission To a comment" promotions (StumbleUpon and Reddit) I seriously considered making them a regular event.
Write content - If everything you write is "Tips & Tricks" and "How-To" posts, you will have a difficult time reaching beyond the "Great Post" and "Thank you for this information." comments.
Write one or two posts a week in expressing his opinion about something. Do not be afraid to take a stand and a backup. Their posts do not have to be argumentative, just passionate. Write about something you care about, a favorite charity or a moving experience.
Answer Each comment - I saved the point for the latter because I think that's the most important. His response to a comment by the reader is your opportunity to encourage a conversation.
Imagine being at a party and an attractive boy or girl who praise as a whole. If they say "Thank you" and keep walking, cree you going to make an effort to talk to you again? Imagine, however, if stopped for a moment, he acknowledged his presence and gave them a compliment again. You have now encouraged them to talk to you again.
Whenever his new commentators feel welcome and encourage them to comment again. It never hurts to end its response to a new commentary with a question, but only once. Do not make them feel obliged to continue responding to repeated questions, you run them off.
Beware of its regular commentators through the promotion of continuing the talks. You must also remember, this is not a street sense. You should at least visit their blogs and commentators become a reader and commentator on what you want.
Typing on subjects in which passion and knowledge, will be displayed on its contents. If you care about your readers and treat thus be seen and show him.
However, if all you want of blogs is that people click on their ads, simply click on the appropriate button and walk away. Turn off your computer will save more money on electricity in a year than you will blog.
Its the information i was needed. Thanks for it.
thanks this info is useful for me.
thanks friend for everything U share on this blog :)
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