This Native Shortcut icon gives two advantages: First, you can right-click and go directly to the panel of Internet Options and, secondly not have direct access icon of the arrow.

Manual registration pinch
Open until regedit.exe through the start menu or execute search box, and then down to find the following scale:
[Hkey_current_user \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \
HideDesktopIcons \ NewStartPanel]

Find the key named "(871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D)" on the right side, then set the value to 0. If the key does not exist, then create a new 32-bit DWORD value with the same name. To delete the icon, you can set the value to 1 instead.
Note that if you're using the classic start menu, you must create this value under the key ClassicStartMenu instead of NewStartPanel key.
good...good, thanks
The most difficult part is to write a good content.
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