First you have to know what is "Digg"
Digg is a social news site that can help drive traffic to your blog. However, Digg is the biggest social news site across the Internet controlled by a handful of users higher. How can you get your blog posts observed in the fast world of Digg? Follow these five tips to effectively utilize label Digg Digg and drive traffic to your blog.
1. Digg the original source
Digg users are very particular about how the site is used. There are a variety of rules that Digg users expected to follow. One of the most important rules of tag Digg is always present to the original source of a story. If you are submitting a blog entry or page that exposes the original source of a story by adding new information or opinions, that's okay, but make sure your presentation adds value to the conversation or story. If not, find the original source and say that their place.
2. Not Digg your own tickets
Digg will penalize users who submit their own content too often. If you want your blog to have an opportunity as far as the homepage of Digg (and generating a large amount of traffic to your blog), not be the first to submit their entry. Ask a friend or colleague to submit it first.
3. Digg several articles at once
When you ask your friends to Digg blog entry, make sure that Digg more than just his post while they're at it. Digg keeps abreast of the people who Digg only one item when they are at the site Digg in order to punish spammers (particularly those who are paid to specific Digg stories). Ask your friends to Digg his post, as well as some other stories of interest or the homepage of Digg at the same time.
4. Use a good title and description in your Diggs
When Digg something, give a good title and description. The title and description of what is being used to convince other users to click on the submission, read the article and hopefully Digg, too. Sell the article with a great title and description to increase your chances of getting more of it.
5 Diggs. Being an active user Digg
Digg users who are very active have a better chance of getting their presentations Digg noticed and attract more Diggs them from other users. Send more seats (including the-minute news items), add friends, comment, and add an avatar to your profile to make your Diggs stand out from other presentations at Digg's list format. The more active you are, the more people will realise that those interested in researching their shipments, which ultimately lead to Digg more opportunities for their own blog. More Diggs for his own blog equal more traffic to your blog.
makasih infonya ni.main ya kegudang hikmahku di
Trims, info yang bermanfaat
Sip bisa langsung dipraktekkan dulu nih, main2 donk Kesini
Bu titip pengumuman, buat temen blogger semua yg mo ngikut kontes SEO, baca aja disini:
thanks atas ilmunya...sangat bermanfaat....Saya juga ingin menyebutkan "langit sangat nyata buku" (heaven is so real book) oleh Choo thomas yang totally berubah hidup saya.
Thanks bro infonya...semoga keajaiban terjadi pada anda
bu, maksih infonya. blognya keren
terima banyak atas tips dan trick, kebetulan saya punya blog baru, jadi langsung dipraktekkan aja, mudah-mudahan bisa mendatangkan trafik yang banyak. Thanks!
Thanks for the tips to drive more traffict.
makasih mbak atas sharingnya.. saya blogger newbie... dan post tersebut sangat membantu menambah ilmu saya
blognya keren..
hmmmmmmm dapat lagi satu pengetahuan gua biar gua coba di rumah
nice info yahhh
thanks for your info.
oke deh bwt info'y bza lngsung d coba jg,,mnambah pngetahuan lg nih...
mntap mas....
great blog, makasih untuk semua artikel bermanfaatnya :)
thanks atas infonya yah gan..
ditunggu postinagn bermanfaat berikutnya kawan.
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